Untitled-3Jayden, a 6 year old boy from Telford climbed three mountains in the UK including the tallest peak of Ben Davis in Scotland to raise the funds for his dad’s friend, Reji from Manimala, Kottayam who struggle with his normal life due to the various medical conditions. Jaden, along with his dad Johncy and two brothers Justin and Jaison undertook the challenge on 29th July 2019.

He was inspired to do the same when his brothers and dad did the same for British Malayali Charity Foundation during 2018 to raise the funds for tribal people and nursing students. Reji, who is a friend and classmate of Johncywas a carpenter by profession but could not continue his job due to the deteriorating health condition.

Untitled-4His wife had to go for odd jobs to look after the family including three children. Johncy’s family set up a fundraising platform to raise the fund and an amount of £ 1013.75 raised and £ 37.57 deducted towards virginmoney’s commission. £ 23.82 added from charity’s general fund to make the round figure to £ 1000.00.

The president of Erumely Panchyath Mr.T.S Krishnakumar handed over the fund of £ 1000.00 to Reji in the presence of Mr SojanSkariah, standing committee chairman and R. Rajappan Nair, the opposition leader.

Please visit www.britishmalayali.co.uk/news/charity for further details/news in malayalam







