Appeal for March 2014
In March 2014, an amount of £ 1555.00 were handed over to Prof. T.J Joseph, a well-known person and a victim of communal hatred as his both hands were cut-off by the vicious attacks of religious extremists in the events surrounded by an unwanted controversy over a ‘question paper’ prepared by him. Tragically, his wife late Mrs. Salomi Joseph also ended her life due to the extreme pressure and agony she was going through at that time as a result of above controversy and also because of termination of Prof. Joseph from his employment. A total amount of Rs. 8 lakhs was given to him out of which 6.5 lakhs from the sister concern of ‘British Malayali’ i.e. ‘Marunadan Malayali’ readers and rest from the British Malayali Charity Foundation.