Late Sanju Sukumaran’s three young  children received  £ 5,000.00 each from ‘Sanju Appeal’ fund thereby ensuring a share of the fund goes to the children as well to utilise the same when they reach at the age of 18. It is BMCF’s general policy as a part of social commitment to earmark a share of […]

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As everyone Jibin also arrived in UK dreaming to build a better life for his family with young children. However, 31 years old Jibin Jacob had to meet with a different experience altogether by seeking financial assistance from the UK Malayali community for the treatment of his severe illness. He was diagnosed with acute liver […]

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Late Sanju Sukumaran’s wife had sent an application to the BMCF seeking for the financial support in the event of untimely and unexpected death of her husband leaving her and their three young children. Sanju was just 39 years old with normal health conditions but his life was taken away suddenly by the heart attack.  […]

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Bobbin Appeal was concluded with a substantial amount of 12,000.00 pounds, whch was already handed over to the family.When an amount of £ 9560,00 received through kind link platform, £ 1532.25  reimbursed by HMRC in the form of giftg aid. £ 880.00 donated directly into charity’s bank a/c and trustees decided to add another £ […]

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  Divya Sijo arrived in UK last year same like everyone dreaming a better life for her family and bagun her career as a staff nurse at Bath hospital. Divya hail from Kayamkulam in Kerala and her dreams were shattered in the form of life threatening disease of luekemia, which diagnosed within an year of […]

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