Untitled-3Charity handed over all its raised funds from BMCF Snowdonia event in various functions organised in Kerala, India recently.  An amount of £ 4,000.00 handed over to the Idamalakkudy tribal settlement school for the renovation of Mulakuthara Primary School. Chairman ShajiLukose handed over the funds to the school teacher Mr. Muraleedharan and PTA President Mr. Raju at Mankulam near Idamalakkudy in Idukki district.  Also, fund of £ 8,000.00, each £ 4,000.00 to Attappadi and Wyanadu tribal community were handed over to well known writer and social activist Mr. Manoj Raveendran and Mr. Kunjumuhammed, an activist tirelessly works towards the welfare and also against the exploitation of tribal community. This was given at Ernakulam on 5th November 2018.


Apparently, a brief ceremony was held at Cheruthoni in Idukki district in the presence of Idukki MLA Mr. Roshy Augustine, wherein 10 families from the tribal community received an amount of £ 400.00 each totalling to £ 4000.00  on 6th of November 2018.

Another 9 nursing students received an amount of each £ 335.00 totalling to £ 3015.00 at Thiruvananthapuram on 12th November 2018.


This years charity event was conducted by British Malayali Charity Foundation in July 2018known as BMCF Snowdonia Charity event 2018 by the participation of 26 challengers.  A total amount of £ 21619.43 was collected from the 22 virginmoneygiving created by challengers including British Malayali. The challenge was conducted on 21st July covering three tallest mountains of U.K starting from Ben Nevis of Scotland, Scaffel Pike in England and Snowdonia in Wales. Out of the total fund received, an amount of £ 631.00 was deducted towards virginmoneygiving’s commission. However, an amount of £ 495.37 was approved by the trustees to use from general fund to make the round figure to distribute to nursing students scholarship.  The total expense was brilliantly limited by the efficient management of team leaders Mr. Jagadees Nair and Mr. Simon Jacob.  An amount of £ 500.00 was already donated to the local charity Llanberris Mountain Rescue at the venue of Snowdonia itself. As such, the total funds distributed stands £ 19,515.00

Please visit www.britishmalayali.co.uk/news/charity for further details/news in malayalam.




