The request to take part in the charity event of skydiving has been still receiving while the closing date was ended last week. The trustees and the office bearers are trying their level best to accommodate maximum participants in the event which is going to be held at Salisbury, England on 28th September 2019. The initial plan was
bmcfto conduct the event with the participation of 30 skydivers and the arrangements were done accordingly with the skydiving agencies. However, discussions are being held by the convenors of the programme with the skydiving agency with a revised plan to accommodate the maximum numbers due to the increasing number of requests. The proceeds of the event fund will be given to the bright student
bmcf1the nurses in Kerala, India who have been struggling otherwise to find out the financial resources to continue their nursing studies. A share of fund will be given to the Wiltshire and Swindon Childrens’ Deaf Society, a local charity situated in the vicinity of the skydiving event venue.

bmcf2Many people have come forward to take part in the challenge from different walks of life such as parish priests, cine actors, celebrity chefs, singers, young students and professionals including managers and nurses to support the noble cause of helping others. The challenge is open to all public from the age of 16 but to some maximum weight restrictions. The participants have already set up the fundraising platform through virginmoneygiving and the fundraising has kick started by sharing the news in the social medias to woo the support and raise the maximum amount of money. A total amount of around £ 10 Ks has already raised by the participants and expect to raise a substantial amount of fund before the event.

Please ensure to give consent to reclaim the gift aid if you are eligible to do so. This will allow to enhance your donation to £ 0.25 for every £ 1.00 you donate. Please give skydiving participant’s ref no. clearly if you donate to charity’s bank a/c directly so that this will allow us to allocate the receipt towards each participant’s total receipt. No need of reference if you donate through virginmoneygiving link.

The list of participants so far with their fundraising link/ ref nos has given as follows:-
⦁ Annie Paliyathu -Ref: Sky02AP
⦁ Noel Philip-Sky03NP
⦁ Stency Roy- Ref: Sky04SR
⦁ Sruthi Nair- Ref:Sky14SN
⦁ Akshay Nair. Ref: Sky13AN

⦁ Bibin Abraham-Ref: Sky17BA
⦁ Reynold Varghese Ref: Sky15RC
⦁ Aneesh George-Ref: Sky20AG
⦁ Joel Manoj-Ref: Sky16JM
⦁ Cyril Gregorious- Ref: Sky08CS
⦁ Simon Jacob- Ref: Sky01SJ
⦁ Dileep Kalabhavan-Sky32KD
⦁ Renjusha Oommen-Ref: Sky22RO
⦁ Silvi Goerge-Ref: Sky27SG
⦁ Kiran Shine-Ref: Sky19KS
⦁ Fr. George Puthoor-Ref: Sky21FG

Please click the below link if you wish to donate through ‘British Malayali’ link directly:
Please visit for further details/news in malayalam.

