Bobbin Appeal was concluded with a substantial amount of 12,000.00 pounds, whch was already handed over to the family.When an amount of £ 9560,00 received through kind link platform, £ 1532.25  reimbursed by HMRC in the form of giftg aid. £ 880.00 donated directly into charity’s bank a/c and trustees decided to add another £ 119.25 to make the round figure to £ 12,000.00 after the necessary deduction of £191.50 by the kindlink platform towards their charges.While closing the above appeal another application received from Divya and family from Bath,England wherein newly emigrated Divya diagnosed with leukemia within an year of her employed as a nurse in UK. The family had no other alternative but to approach BMCF to overcome their vicious circle and the UK malyalees were so kindful in supporting Divya Appeal issued by the foundation. While an amount of £ 14,063.00 received through kindlink platform, £ 20,82,00 gained from gift aid and £ 1,275.00 received in bank a/c. £ 422,00 deducted by kindlink towards their charges and £ 92.00 contributed by trustees from general fund.

An application was received from ClinsmanBabu and wife Reny from Northampton requesting us to support them in their crucial stage wherein their 4 years old son diagnosed with blood cancer and their newborn baby also had some medical complications. The trustees decided to support the family by allowing to use # 1,000.0 750.00 from general fund.

It was with heavy heart that Mrs. Seethu Sebastian from Essex, England  had to send an application to BMCF seeking for financial assistance as she was in a state of profound shock and despair. Untimely and very unfortunate sudden demise of her loving husband Sanju left her with no choice but to seek the help of others from the community. Sanju (39) was an active young father of three lovely children aged 7 years, 3 years and the youngest one is only 6 months. He collapsed and died of a heart attack while he was playing much loved cricket. Sanju is from Palakkad, Kerala and Seethu is from Pala. They were having and happy and joyful family life when suddenly this tragedy happened. Being in the UK for only 4 years they were surviving on nursing and caring jobs.. Not being from a finacially sound family background, Seethu  requested for  financial help for the repatriation of Sanjusremains and related expenses. Biritish Malayali ChairtyFoundation  expressed their gratitude to its supporters for the wonderful support they provide every time when some one is in need. So far the ‘Sanju Appeal’ generated over £33 Ks and expected to receive more friends even though the appeal is officially closed

It is also a policy of BMCF to show the solidarity and the support to the local community in UK, wherein the Malayali community integrated  and settled well. As  a token of BMCFs appreciation and understanding to the local community in UK, this year’s local charity support is given to St. Vincent De Paul Charities in Belfast with an amount of £ 750.00

Please donate by clicking on the following link and kindly ensure to give consent to reclaim 25% gift aid from HMRC if eligible as every £ 1.00 you donate will get enhanced to another

£0.25 by reclaiming the gift aid. Gift Aid are allowed only for the donations from income, which are properly taxed at source by HMRC. Please note that it is illegal to claim for gift aid which are not eligible.

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