The foundation has decided to support the skydiving participants by giving trophies to the highest fund raisers.  As such, there will be prizes in the form of trophies to the 1st, 2nd  3rd top fund raisers as on 28th September 2019 and the same will be handed over to them at the skydiving venue of […]

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The skydiving charity event campaign has been boosted with the joint venture of fundraising in India as well through Awas, a registered charity set up to assist the downtrodden people to fight against the discrimination and injustice meted out to them in the process of delivering social justice and fairness in the society. As many […]

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The request to take part in the charity event of skydiving has been still receiving while the closing date was ended last week. The trustees and the office bearers are trying their level best to accommodate maximum participants in the event which is going to be held at Salisbury, England on 28th September 2019. The […]

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The community was in shock by hearing the news of the sudden death of 49 years old Mrs. Mariyam Stephen in Swindon due to cancer, which was diagnosed just couple of weeks ago. She died at the same Great Western Hospital, Swindon where she was working as a staff nurse for the last 20 years. Mariyam known as Mini is […]

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The skydiving charity event held during the year 2017 at Lagan in Nottingham, England was a huge success with the wide participation of participants from different walks of life and also raising an overwhelming amount of over £ 42,000.00.  This fund helped to transform the lives of many aspiring young nurses in Kerala, India by […]

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