Charity invites application for BMCF Student Nurses Scholarship 2017 Scheme to distribute Skydiving funds
The trustees of the charity met to decide about the disbursement of fund raised recently from the skydiving event to student nurses and Cancer Research UK as announced earlier. A decision was taken in the meeting to give an amount of £ 32835.00 to financially unsound bright student nurses who has a minimum score of 70% in the qualifying examination. (+2). An overwhelming total amount of £ 43546.00 raised through the dedicated effort of all 33 skydiving participants. While an amount of £ 7000.00 spent towards the cost of skydiving, another £ 1300.00 for virgin money giving’s commission. It is the single largest amount raised by the charity through an event right from its inception and has now raised over £ 420,000.00 during last four years.
The trust has now announced a scholarship scheme named BMCF Nursing Students Scholarship 2017 and also have invited application from the student nurses in Kerala, India for those with very poor financial circumstances. It has also decided to set a minimum percentage of 70% of the marks obtained in +2 exams in order to avail this facility to the best students who aspire to build up their career in their future life. The trust will also consider those applications where those who deserve the financial support due to their overall situation. The trust will take a final decision on these cases irrespective of their score in the qualifying examination. The last date for receiving the application will be on 25th October 2017.
The necessary application form can be downloaded from the homepage of this site at the bottom ‘quick downloads’ section.
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