Untitled-2British Malayali Charity Foundation has decided to issue the seasonal appeal during the festive season of Onam, which falls in the month end of August 2020. The foundation had not taken the applications received from Kerala for a long period due to the Covid-19 pandemic and also since few appeals were conducted to assist the bereaving families in the U.K, who lost their dear ones. The pandemic has affected adversely the underprivileged people from the bottom sections of the society across the world.

The situation in Kerala, India is also not different but survived due to the limited but sustainable quantities of free food supply chain by the governmental agencies. However, lack of jobs have badly hit the daily job earners whose regular income had been drastically reduced or completely stopped since long due to the lock down measures adopted to check the spread of the virus.

The trustees have selected four applications in the 1st stage of appeal from a large number of applications, which has been receiving on daily basis. All these four cases have taken into consideration after stringent inquiry and verification procedures.  The first case belong to Anajana Santhosh, a 17 year old girl who is suffering from autism and other differently abled conditions. Anjana’s parents belongs to a very poor family and they have no stable house but live in  a temporary shed built up in the land of Anjana’s grandparents.

The family hails from Erumely, Mundakkayam in Kottayam dist. of Kerala and her father Santhosh has also medical conditions with back bone, which prevent him from going out to do his routine jobs, which seldom available now due to the Corona virus mess. We request you to please assist this family whatever way you can to shed some light in the festive season of this poor family by clicking onto the following viriginmonegiving link.  Please do not forget to give your consent to reclaim the gift aid if eligible as every £ 1.00 you donate will get enhanced to another £ 0.25 by reclaiming the gift aid from the HMRC.


Untitled-3In other news,the trustees have decided to request the community members to nominate one of the English local charity as British Malayali Charity Foundation always support the local charities in U.K, the place wherein we live and being looked after. A minimum amount of £ 500.00 may be handed over to the selected charity.

We have already supported local charities such as Diabetes UK, Antony Nolan Trust, Cancer Research UK, DEC,Yorkshire Air Ambulance, Lanberris Mountain Rescue, Mary’s Meal, Southampton Sunday Lunch Project and Swindon and Wiltshire Childrens Deaf Society.

The foundation is looking for the charities like BMCF wherein 100% of all the donations including the gift aid part of 23% goes directly to the beneficiaries without any deductions. The BMCF has no expenses except the annual fee of £ 350.00 given to the auditors and independent examiners. The trustees does not incur any expenses including the wages to the charity but donate a certain amount of money every month by direct debit.

Please send your suggestions to [email protected] if you find any local charity meeting the above criteria.

Please visit www.britishmalayali.co.uk for read above news in Malayalam.

