Untitled-1The trustees has decided to issue an emergency appeal since an application has been received from the mourning family of Late Soni Chacko, a young dad of 42 years passed away unexpectedly at Chesterfield, Derbyshire in England on 27th July 2020 leaving his two kids of 3 & 8 years and his wife. They hail from Kangazha, Kottayam and have been living in England for few years but Soni’s life took away untimely during his sleep probably due to massive heart attack, as per the latest report received. Soni was healthy enough otherwise apart from his diabetic conditions and his colleagues and friends are shocked by the news and family finds it difficult to cope with the situation of their beloved one’s sudden loss. Now the family has approached British Malayali Charity Foundation for financial support to arrange the funeral expenses as even though they are registered nurses in India, they could not work in England as Staff nurse due to the formalities and hence their earnings were limited to face such ahuge expense. .

We request you to please support the family in this difficult situation by donating whatever way you can and please do not forget to give your consent to reclaim gift aid from the HMRC as every £ 1.00 you pay will get enhanced to another £ 0.25 if you are eligible. Please click the following link if you wish to donate:


Please visit www.britishmalayali.co.uk for read above news in Malayalam.

