Untitled-3The general convenor of the programme Mr. Jagdees Nair has given instructions to the skydivers about the preparations for the skydiving event, which is scheduled to be held on Saturday the 28th September 2019 at Netheravon airfield, Salisbury. He has advised them to be present at the venue well in advance on the reporting time at 8.00 AM since  entering  into a military  owned airfield. This is due to consider sufficient extra time for entry formalities in order to enter into the airfield camp at Netheravon. All visitors including the skydivers and their guests   need to complete the Netheravon Guest Proforma and bring it with them on the day. Visitors are requested to book in at the guard room when they arrive at the camp, hand in the Guest Proforma and show photo ID (a picture driving licence or passport will be fine) for each person aged 16 or over in their party. Post code for satnav : SP4 9RY.

He has requested everyone to give the name of visitors/guests in order to pass it on to the skydiving authorities well in advance to enter into their register for event day admission.

The  skydiving participants can self-declare their fitness to parachute with form 115A if they are physically fit..  However,  a known medical condition  must get the form 115B signed by their doctor and stamped by the surgery.  All these forms to be reached to the general convenor before the event day.

Five million pounds worth of third party insurance is included in the first jump with the Army Parachute Association. Personal insurance is not compulsory but many jumpers do take out some protection, and the parachute association always advise this as a precaution. To find out more,  click on this link to visit their website https://www.skydivingcover.com/?ref=Netheravon

In the meantime, recently concluded highest fund raising campaign winners have been announced. The charity foundation had declared prizes for the highest fundraisers between 1st September to 15th September 2019. Kiran Shine won the 1st prize with £ 800.00, George Meetto 2nd with £ 700.00 and Renju Oommen 3rd with £ 601.25. The prizes will be given at the skydiving venue on 28th September 2019. The prizes for overall highest fundraisers will be announced on 28th September. Also, special prizes will be given to the highest fundraisers in students category.

Southampton based Mother’s charity has been entrusted with providing food and refreshments at the venue. The charity, which has been in the forefront in assisting poor students and underprivileged people in Kerala, would use the proceeds out of this sales to their ongoing benevolent works.

For more details about skydiving, please contact the following convenors of the programme:

Jagdess Nair-07960263495,Roy Stephen BEM-079051767737, Afsal Ali-07772385316 Email: [email protected]


Please visit www.britishmalayali.co.uk/news/charity for further details/news in malayalam.

