All the 26 participants completed their challenge of climbing three mountains of U.K at  Snowdonia, Wales along side Snowdonia only challengers during late night on Saturday. A group of supporters arrived in the morning itself at Snowdonia in Wales to receive three peak Challengers. Chairman Shaji Lukose, Secretary George Edathua, ex-chairman Tomichan Kozhuvanal along with […]

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The three peak challengers will being their journey to conquer three mountains of Britain on Thursday 19th July 2018 morning from London for a long journey towards the north end of Scotland i.e. Fort Williams. They will start their challenge on Friday 20th July by climbing U.K tallest mountain of Ben Nevis in Scotland and […]

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All the five beneficiaries received their share of funds from the above appeal issued by the charity in the event of Easter/Vishu celebrations 2018 in a brief ceremony organised in the premises of St. Mary’s Church, Manarkadu, Kottayam. Metropolitan of Niranam Diocese (Jacobite Syrian Church)Dr.GeevargheseMorCoorilos, H.E. Thomas MorAlexandrios, Metropolitan of Mumbai Diocese (Jacobite Syrian Church),Fr. […]

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The recently held Annual General Meeting at Southampton on 24th March 2018 elects new trustees and some new changes were adopted in the structure of the charity with additional committees such as advisory board & youth wing. The meeting began at 11.30 AM presided over by Chairman Tomichan Kozhuvanal and welcome speech by Vice Chairman […]

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The charity has issued an appeal in response to an application received from the grieving family of late Thomas Joseph (Baiju), who passed away untimely due to illness at Catford, London on 14th February 2018. He is survived by his wife and two young children and hail from Pothi, Thalayolaparambu, Kottayam district in Kerala. The […]

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